Operational excellence in retail

Seizing opportunity, realizing vision

Your brand mission, accomplished.


challenge .01

How will we grow profitably?
Operations Overhaul


Revamped an established luxury retailer’s infrastructure to ensure operational excellence and achieve profitable growth.



Total Reset

Legacy infrastructure and an outdated supply chain required a coordinated long-term effort across the organization. Met the challenge with comprehensive departmental plans and the creation of a Project Management Office to support long-range business goals. Developed a 3-year IT strategy to replace or upgrade key systems. Reset sourcing by relocating offshore offices and focusing on strategic vendor partners. Led the development and construction of a state-of-the-art distribution center and created an internal customer-care center while also transitioning the e-commerce platform in-house to deliver exceptional customer service.


  • Delivered the highest EBITDA in company’s 30-year history (11% above 5-year average)

  • Reduced cost per unit by 15% while increasing distribution center productivity by 220%

  • Realized a 300% improvement in Customer Service levels and 87% reduction in contact abandon rate

  • Opened the product pipeline to improve quality and improve on-time performance

  • Achieved recognition as a top customer care provider among 150 leading retailers

challenge .02

How will we become “customer first”?
Optimizing Supply Chain and Customer Care



Introduced a new sourcing function for this ecommerce brand to realize supply-chain efficiency and revamped customer care to reverse stagnated growth.



Customer First

An assessment determined that outdated sourcing and customer service models were keeping this established brand from meeting its growth potential. Worked with leadership to build a cross-functional Concept-to-Market process laying the foundation for seamless communication. Created a dedicated sourcing function, filling gaps in supply chain and quality. Relocated call center to reduce operating cost, improve culture and workspace, and create a runway for growth. Introduced Customer Care Summits, sales training and performance-based incentives to recalibrate talent and focus on clienteling, markedly improving the customer experience.


  • Delivered multi-million dollar savings through vendor rationalization, product calibration, and cost negotiation

  • Generated significant upside revenue based on sales training

  • Reduced call center operating costs by 50% and created ability to scale


How will we seize market opportunity when “business as usual” no longer works?
Implementing Operational Best Practices



Modernized the core practices, processes, infrastructure, long-range planning and metrics of Russia’s largest retailer putting it on the path toward doubling revenue and expanding internationally.



One of the Team

Though well established, this retailer needed a fully embedded approach. Guided the leadership team through a complete cycle of the Concept to Market process. Optimized performance with coaching, mentoring and support. Collaborated to create a long-range plan that articulated the CEO’s vision, aligned the executive team and streamlined operations. Developed and implemented Total Business and Product Execution processes in addition to Concept to Consumer.


  • Established 3-year long range plan for revenue growth and business expansion

  • Improved on-time product delivery from 66% to 80% within first cycle of process improvements

  • Delivered company’s first-ever seasonal view of product and marketing

  • Created sourcing efficiencies thanks to a 90% adoption rate of raw material concepts

Challenge .04

How will we align all stakeholders around the founder’s vision?
Translating Vision into Growth Strategy



Articulated the CEO’s vision of growth for this luxury cosmetics brand to gain alignment with all stakeholders, including investors, while ensuring the integrity of the brand and positioning.



Coaching to Success

This CEO sought to unlock her vision and define success. Conducted workshops with CEO to articulate vision. Translated CEO vision into an effective business presentation to drive investor alignment. Coached CEO on strengthening her leadership position and navigating investor environment. Assessed the competitive landscape to drive brand-centric innovation. Matched CEO with retail advisor to provide expertise on business challenges and opportunities.

Modeled a three-year plan to focus conversation and vision around product and channel.


  • Employed Thought Partnership to focus CEO on her strengths and clarify expectations around executive team members

  • Identified foundational needs, including organizational structure, to achieve growth targets

  • Developed a high-level roadmap for product and wholesale opportunities

Challenge .05

How will we secure capital we need to scale?
Top-to-Bottom Support for a Women-Owned Business



Facilitated this women-owned business’s goal to expand within the US and Canada and grow annual revenue 10x in 5 years.



Plan to Grow

An integrated diagnostic through interviews with founders revealed growth opportunities and resource gaps. Defined success by articulating the long-term vision for financial and foundational growth. Connected CEO with industry leaders to provide expertise on Marketing and Legal challenges. Provided templates for financial model, retail process, and business governance. Provided executive coaching for the investor presentation.


  • Created a 5-year operating plan to deliver on business goals

  • Developed CEO presentation for investor with a goal of obtaining capital for expansion

  • Defined retail strategy across boutiques, wholesale partners and pop-ups

  • Identified talent expansion needs in order of priority to support business growth